Numerology Numbers

Soul Urge Number:

Personality Number:


Birth Date:

Life Path Number:

Attitude Number:

What is Numerology?

Numerology is the study or concept of deriving conclusion by relating a number with an incident or series of incidents. In other words, it is a study of the mystical relationship between numbers and incidents and the influence that each number has on an individual as well as on humankind as a whole.


Even though the word Numerology came in the English dictionary in the early 1900s, the study of numbers, it’s importance, and its connection with events and incidents in life has been talked about since time immemorial. The concept of Numerology is said to have originated from the civilisations in Babylonia (current day part of Iraq) and Egypt 


Mastering the concepts of numerology, or at least your own numbers, is the basis for forming a lasting lifeline. With enough knowledge in this subject, you may no longer be puzzled by human complexities or disoriented in choosing your career. Numerology should not make you reliant, but it may free you of your wounds and burdens




SOUL'S URGE NUMBER describes your innermost endeavors. You may have never been aware of those, but you should now, because these will be the key to you life-long fulfillment.

your number

life path NUMBER


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Sample text. Click to select the Text Element.

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Embark on your healing journey

In Numerology, each number is associated with both the positive and the the negative ones.
On this page, I want to show you the powerful manifesto that you could use to combat the negative attachments of each number in your pack, as I did when surmounting my sense of self-insuffiency, characterized by a 9 in Life Path



Sound amazing, does it not? And here is how you can control your own emotions using numbers

Manifestations    can come in many forms, you may want to exert your determination by reading them out loud, repeating them consistently when you face your reflection in the mirror, or whisper to yourself any moments. Anything that you feel comfortable expressing yourself, and anything that you are  ready to persevere till the end  
15-20 minutes everyday of self-reflection and self-declaration should be enough to construct a healthy mental state. You may see noticable changes within the first few months, but I would advice you to maintain this habit as long as possible


I   believe that when you suffer from mental illnesses, it is only a matter of time before the effects evade your physicality. It has been observed that most unhealthy conditions do not stem from infections, but from the deterioration of internal well-being. What shown on the outside is the reflection of your inside. That is what makes the power of manifestation more important. Implement these declarations below into your life to prevent some certain illnesses that belong to specific numbers



My motivation for constructing and deploying this web, despite being used to completely computer-illiterate

Mrs. Glynis McCants  is a renowned author in the field of numerology, crafting a multitude of well-researched publications on how to master your own life your numbers.
9 months ago, when I was at the lowest of my life, grappling with eating disorder and social anxiety, I stumbled upon her most well-known book: "Glynis Has Your Number: Discover What Life Has in Store for You Through the Power of Numerology!"   This is also the book mentioned above.  Most of the content written in this section, and also this page, was extracted from the book as customed for personalization.

Daily Numerology

April 1st